HSIF Workshop: Discover your Entrepreneurial Spirit

30 May 2023
Conradkade 54, 2517 BR Den Haag
Start time:
End time:

Inspiration, Exploration and Discovery

Ever been thinking of becoming an entrepreneur? Don’t know where to start? Want to develop your ideas? Or get some inspiration?

Join us for an inspiring evening to develop your entrepreneurial spirit, in partnership with Starters Stations. Learn from experienced entrepreneurs who will share their stories of failure and resilience, followed by an interactive workshop to develop your entrepreneurial mindset.

The event starts at 6:30 PM, and tickets are available for free and drinks are included. Before the workshop, there’s an option to enjoy a meal at 5.30 PM, but an additional fee of € 8 applies. Language: English, but of course we will help in Dutch.

Don’t miss the opportunity to network with other entrepreneurial-minded students and take the first step toward achieving your dreams. Register now for the workshop and join us on this exciting journey!

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