Criteria to Asses your Pitch

These criteria will be used in both the qualifying round and the final event to evaluate your pitch:
  1. Leadership: The entrepreneur can mobilize the audience to participate in bringing this business case to life by integrating the venture into a broader vision using solid argumentation and personal conviction.
  2. Potential Impact: If fully operational, the proposed business venture has a significant positive impact on society in the field of one or more Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). The impact per product or service sold, the scalability of the business model, and the entrepreneur's level of ambition all contribute to the impact this venture will have.
  3. Desirability: The proposed solution addresses a significant problem experienced by the target group. The entrepreneur demonstrates that the solution has a sustainable competitive advantage compared to competing offers on the market.
  4. Feasibility & Viability: The entrepreneur demonstrates how the value proposition can be delivered to the market now and in the future through the right organization and roadmap. The entrepreneur also shows that the venture is supported by a solid financial plan, illustrated with key metrics.
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